BEFORE YOU VIEW THESE IMAGES, PLEASE READ THIS: Three dimensional portraits do not photograph well because they are 3-D and photos are 2-D. (To get a better understanding, see the video.)
VIDEO: To view a ninety second YouTube video that will help to show the third dimension of Gordon's 3-D portraits, click HERE.
HOW CREATED: To read how 3-D Portraits are created, click HERE.
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"Clown 1" in Bas Relief
18" x 25" Framed Screws in Plywood Panel $4100
"Pres. Andrew Jackson" in Bas Relief
18" x 24" Framed Screws in Plywood Panel (Not for Sale)
"Clown 2" in Bas Relief
14" x 18" Framed Screws in Plywood Panel (Available only in Sculpture - see that category)
"Woman" in Bas Relief
18" x 38" Framed Screws in Plywood Panel $4400
Grizzly Cub
18 x 24 Screws in Plywood, Framed $2500
"Geronimo" in Bas Relief
20 x 26 Screws in Plywood, Framed $2500
"Woman in Gown" in Bas Relief
18 x 37.5 Screws in Plywood $2990
"Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood)" in Bas Relief
17 x 22 Screws in Plywood, Framed $2500
"Earl" in Bas Relief
22 x 26 Screws in Plywood, Framed
"African Lion" in Bas Relief
25.5 x 25.5 Screws in Plywood, Framed $2990
"Half Dome - Yosemite" in Bas Relief
26 x 20 Screws in Plywood, Framed $2500
VIDEO: To view a ninety second YouTube video that will help to show the third dimension of Gordon's 3-D portraits, click HERE.
HOW CREATED: To read how 3-D Portraits are created, click HERE.